Time. It’s an omnipresent force, one we measure, chase, and, too often, fear.
Time is one of the most fundamental resources we have. Yet, too often, we treat it as something to race against. For much of my entrepreneurial journey, I equated speed with efficiency, constantly moving at full throttle to meet deadlines, achieve goals, and stay ahead.
But something changed. Maybe it was the mistakes I made while rushing decisions, only to later discover that the path I had abandoned was the right one after all. Or perhaps it was hitting 40 and realizing that life, when lived too quickly, passes by in a blur. The endpoint of this journey, after all, is not a destination to be hurried toward.
The end of the year often pushes us to take stock of where we are, what we’ve achieved, and what we wish for in the future. For me, this season of reflection has illuminated a profound shift in how I view and value time. A perspective that has shaped my personal life and my approach to business and success.
This article isn’t about denouncing productivity or abandoning ambition. Instead, it’s about rethinking our relationship with time: understanding its fluidity, its subjectivity, and its immense power when we stop treating it as the enemy.
Breaking the Cycle
In my early years as an entrepreneur, I believed speed was synonymous with progress. Decisions were made quickly, tasks rushed to completion, and success measured by how fast I could move from one milestone to the next.
I equated speed with efficiency, success and control.
However, looking back, I see the cracks in that approach. Rushed decisions often led to missteps.These reflections have made me question: why do we rush? And more importantly, what might we gain if we embraced a slower, more deliberate pace?
Time Is a Perspective, Not a Rule
As entrepreneurs, we often treat time as a constraint, something scarce that we must constantly battle. But the reality is, time is a resource to be managed, not feared.
This year, I’ve come to realize that time, as we know it, is a social construct. Nature doesn’t operate on rigid schedules; a tree doesn’t check the clock before it grows, and a bird doesn’t rush to meet a deadline. Yet, we humans – supposedly the most intelligent beings – are enslaved by the ticking of the clock, constantly feeling like there isn’t enough time.
Take this for example: one morning, I woke up later than usual and felt immediately behind on my commitments. But as I listened to the BBC to practice my English, the broadcaster announced, “Good morning, it’s 7:00.” Suddenly, it struck me: I was on time, at least by London’s clock.
This simple moment reminded me how arbitrary our constructs of time can be.
As we prepare to enter a new year, I challenge myself – and you – to redefine time. Instead of racing against it, what if we lived within it? Instead of counting hours, what if we made the hours count?
Time is a perspective, not a rule
Preparation as the Foundation for Sustainable Growth
As a sports trader, entrepreneur, and lifelong learner, I’ve come to understand that success requires a mastery of timing.
The past year has underscored for me that planning and preparation are the cornerstones of sustainable growth. Whether it’s in business or personal life, having a clear plan and vision allows us to act with purpose. It creates space to align our actions with our values and ensures that every move we make is both intentional and impactful.
The end of the year is a perfect time to embrace this mindset. Reflect on your accomplishments, yes, but also think about the moments you’ve rushed through. Did you truly live those moments, or were they just tasks to check off a list? For me, slowing down has brought clarity, allowing me to focus on what truly matters: building something meaningful, both professionally and personally.
Quantum physics tells us that time is not linear; it’s a fluid concept, influenced by perspective. This means we have the ability to shape our experiences and outcomes by how we use and perceive time. For me, this has meant building systems and processes that allow for thoughtful execution rather than frantic activity.
As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get caught up in the urgency of immediate results. But real success comes from. This requires discipline, forward-thinking, and a willingness to embrace planning as a key strategy.
As entrepreneurs, we often measure success by milestones, revenue goals, launch dates, expansion plans. But true success lies in building a foundation that can support long-term growth, creating systems and lives that feel harmonious and aligned, not rushed or forced. It’s about creating a future that reflects who we truly are, not what we feel pressured to be.
Looking Ahead: Time as an Ally
As the new year approaches, I’m committed to carrying this perspective forward.
I want to focus on living at my own rhythm, aligning my decisions with my values and energy rather than arbitrary deadlines. Whether it’s in business, relationships, or personal growth, I’ve learned that the right timing isn’t dictated by the clock; it’s dictated by the alignment of opportunity, preparation, and purpose.
So, as we say goodbye to one year and welcome another, I invite you to rethink your relationship with time. Instead of racing through it, allow yourself the grace to live fully within it.
After all, success isn’t about how fast we move; it’s about the depth and meaning we bring to every step along the way.